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Donación de la Embajada de Francia en Cuba
Donación de la Embajada de Francia en Cuba
Donación de la Embajada de Francia en Cuba
Donación del Centro Teórico-Cultural Criterios
Zurbarán: Jacob and His Twelve Sons, painting from Auckland Castle. New York: The Frick Collection, January 31 – April 22, 2018.
Albers, Anni. On weaving. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2017.
Hamilton, Andrew James. Scale and the Incas. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2018.
Quinn, Bridget. Broad strokes: 15 women who made art and made history (in that order). San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2017.
An American Style: Global Sources for New York Textile and Fashion Design, 1915 – 1928. New York: BGC, Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture, September 27, 2013 through February 2, 2014.
No translation required: Artist´ Books in Germany and Georgia. Georgia: Savannah College of Art Design, 2010.
Matt Siber: Idol Structures at the DePaul Art Museum, September 10 . December 20, 2015.
Chihuly, Dale. Chihuly at Marlborough: Mille Fiori. New York: Marlborough Gallery, April 8 to May 1, 2004.
The American Circus. Susan Weber, Kenneth L. Ames, Matthew Wittmann, editors. New York: BGC: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture, 2012.
Frank Bowling at eighty. New York: Spanierman Modern, April 24 to May 28, 2014.
Marisol: works 1960 – 2007. New York: Neuhoff Edelman Gallery, 2007.
Roca, José. Waterweavers: a chronicle of rivers / José Roca and Alejandro Martín. New York: Bard Graduate Center, 2014.